How Is Micropigmentation Able To Help Conceal Hair Transplant Scarring?

How Is Micropigmentation Able To Help Conceal Hair Transplant Scarring?

Micropigmentation is a permanent makeup service that allows for recipients to have beautifully colored makeup and offers some great benefits to the people who seek it. However, there is a version of micropigmentation designed specifically for the head. This is known as scalp micropigmentation- which is specifically used to help people with hair loss problems, among other things. This includes patients who suffer from alopecia, and those who have had some kind of permanent blemish-like scarring occur on their scalp. It is primarily used to add the look of hair, and functioning follicles, to the head, as well as to cover scarring from hair transplants.

How Scalp Micropigmentation Works

Now it should be mentioned that scalp micropigmentation is one of the fastest-growing solutions to hair loss and cover-ups in the industry. It is accomplished by using the same methods tattoo artists use for their careers. It is extremely popular among people who have experienced a lot of hair loss, this includes people who have received hair transplants and in turn, found the remaining scars from the treatment. How it works is relatively simple. Essentially, the illusion of hair and volume is produced by adding dots of pigment to the scalp. It is, however, very important to find a salon that is licensed with an artist who is fully trained and certified to get an effective and safe treatment.

Covering Up The Scars

The illusion of hair in scalp micropigmentation is what helps to cover up scarring, and it does its job well. Of course, micropigmentation alone can not rid the skin of scar tissue, but it can have a very strong effect in covering it up. It does this by placing impressions throughout the tissue, which is virtually invisible. Now, skin-colored ink can also be used to help with uneven skin tone, but the technician must be fully trained and understand the color theory well to pull this off. Luckily, the technicians at Voga Salon are fully licensed, so you can trust us to give you effective and worthwhile treatment.

Does This Only Work For Hair Transplant Scars?

No- as a matter of fact it can work for most scalp scarring. Hair transplant scars are simply the most common ones seen in customers seeking the procedure. Scarring caused by accident or injury or cosmetic procedures can also be handled effectively with scalp micropigmentation.

Do You Need To Be Bald Or Cut Your Hair?

No. A fully trained and effective technician will have no issue working with you regardless of if you are completely bald or have long hair. Your hair has already been through enough by the time you walk through our doors. If you need a scar to be covered, you should not have to cut it on top of everything else. If anyone tries to convince you that you need to cut your hair, make sure that you are looking at a properly licensed tech.

Once you have received this treatment, make sure to treat your scalp with care- consider it like any other tattoo. Avoid saunas, chlorinated water, tanning beds, and steam rooms. And make sure to follow the instructions given to you by your technician. This will help to ensure that your scalp will heal well.

If you are looking for a scar to be covered, or have any other reason for considering scalp micropigmentation, you should definitely consider Voga Ink. You can call us at 913.685.1832 to schedule your consultation and appointments. We'll see you soon at 115 E Gregory Blvd, KCMO 64114 in Overland Park.



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