Tips To Help Your Blowout Last Longer

Tips to Help Your Blowout Last Longer

Nothing feels quite like walking out of the salon with a fresh smooth blowout. Wouldn’t you like to hold onto that feeling just a little while longer? Well, with these tips you can. Whether you have your hair styled weekly or as an occasional treat, now you’ll be able to enjoy it for days longer and get the most enjoyment out of your fresh new style.

Hands Off

While we can’t blame you for wanting to run your fingers through your beautifully smooth hair, it’s best if you don’t touch. Touching your hair will only promote static, frizz, and flyaways, not to mention get your hair dirty faster.

Keep It Dry

If you don’t want to kiss your nice smooth blowout goodbye, stay away from water. A swim, shampoo, or sudden downpour will wipe out your blowout. So keep a shower cap and umbrella handy.

Change Your Pillowcase

Cotton may feel soft to your skin, but to your hair, it’s not so smooth. It is rough on hair and promotes breakage as well as dries out your hair. Switch to a silk or satin pillowcase to help keep your hair smooth and shiny.

Stock Up on Dry Shampoo

Since greasy hair happens and shampooing with water will erase your blowout, keep some dry shampoo on hand to keep your style looking fresh. Opt for a tinted version that matches your hair color to avoid the chalky look some products can leave behind.

Easy on the Brush

If you brush too hard or too often you’ll damage strands and flatten your style. To preserve volume brush gently and only when needed.

Tie It Up at Night

To avoid that bedhead look, tie your hair up at night in a loose ponytail or bun. Avoid fastening it up too tightly which can create kinks or waves that put a crimp in your style.

Following these tips will help you keep that “fresh from the salon” feel much longer. Come see the talented stylists at Voga Salon and treat yourself to a beautiful blowout today. Give us a call at 913.685.1832 to reserve your appointment. You’ll find us at 13357 West 135th in Overland Park. To make appointments easily from your mobile device download our free app from iTunes or Google Play.



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